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Since there is always the possibility of surprise in thin, dead markets, less capital should be risked there than in markets which are broad and moving.

Limit the risk in any one trade to a maximum of 10% and the risk in all open trades to a maximum of 25% of trading capital. (risk = pct of available capital). Determine this each day, adding profits and subtracting losses in open trades, and combine this net figure with your trading capital.

It does not take much capital to trade a market if one has knowledge and understanding. St. Paul said, “when I am weak I am strong.”

Speech may be silver but “Silence is Golden”. Traders with the golden touch do not talk.

Common trading errors include: A) trading without good reasons. B) trading on hope rather than facts. C) overloading without regard for capital.

“I like the short side of the market because there is usually less company”. The mob is usually wrong. It is usually long.

A fatal mistake made by the fundamental trader is to take small profits. This is the result of limited vision ??? extremes always seem silly to men of so called good judgment.

Trade only when you have a good reason on an appraisal of fundamentals and using chart action for confirmation and timing of entry and exit.

Believe that “the big one is possible” –be there when it starts. Have the gross power to act, be rested mentally and physically, and finally let your profits run and cut your losses quickly.

Dream big dreams and think tall. Very few people set goals too high. A man becomes what he thinks about all day long.

Commodity trading is the art of regarding fear as the greatest sin and giving up as the greatest mistake. It is the art of accepting failure as a step toward victory.

Have you taken a loss? Forget it quick. If you have taken a profit, forget it quicker. Don’t let ego and greed inhibit clear thinking and hard work.

The characteristics of realizing bull market are:
a.a fundamental bullish situation
b.a reluctance by specs to buy
c.an inversion or small carrying charge between cash and futures
d.business interests are either cautious or bullish

Always remember that weather markets are mercurial, extreme in price fluctuations, and very difficult to master. Forecasts of weather beyond a few days are not reliable.

One cannot do anything about yesterday. When one door closes, another door opens. The greater opportunity nearly always lies through the open door.

The deepest secret for the trader is to subordinate his will to the will of the market. The market is truth as it reflects all forces that bear upon it. As long as he recognizes this, he is safe. When he ignores it, he is lost.

Somewhere a change is occurring that can make you rich.

Beware of “fools disease” (i.e. Waiting for trades that you’re sure are 100 pct profitable.) It is better never to let yourself believe that you are 100 pct sure of anything.

A known fundamental is a useless fundamental.

Major trends are seldom broken unless market goes against trend for more than 3 consecutive days.

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