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The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.

Bullish consensus is typically at its high when the market is at a top. Also there are few bulls at major bottoms.

Watch the spreads i.e., don’t be bullish if inverses are narrowing.

Remember that a bear market will give up in one month what a bull market has taken 3 months to build.

Identify “the dominant factor” in each commodity. Be prepared to redefine this factor as conditions change.

Expand your sources for market info but limit your sources for market opinion.

Don’t ever allow a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point.

It is never possible to know everything about anything. A commodity trader is in constant danger.

Successful trading requires four things. Knowledge, disciplined courage, money, and the energy to merge the first 3 properly.

Expect and accept losses gracefully. Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.

The one essential ingredient to making money with money and keeping it is having an organized effort.

Unless you progress, you go backwards. Once you complete a trading goal it is crucial that you immediately set a new goal.

The art of concentration can help you become a great trader. In other words, set aside time to think, plan, meditate, investigate, research, analyze, evaluate and select your trades carefully.

Split your profits right down the middle and never risk more than 50% of them again in the market.

The key to successful trading is in knowing yourself and in knowing your stress point.

The real difference between winners and losers is not so much native ability as it is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes.

The greatest risk for a commodity trader is to rely on hope alone. Never substitute hope for facts. The greatest loss is loss of self-confidence.

You cannot perform very well for very long with your shoes nailed to the floor. In trading as in fencing there are the quick and the dead.

Remember Mark Twain: “only 10% of the people think. 10% think they think. The other 80% would rather die than think.”

The man who goes to the top as a commodity trader does not do as he pleases. He has trained himself to choose correctly between the two freedoms: the freedom to do as he pleases, and the freedom to do what he must do.

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